These Success Stories are intended to provide an additional view of the situation, the issue, or the challenge which resulted in overcoming obstacles.

Success Stories Under Construction

GDP Success Story

I TT Industries was evaluating a Goal Deployment Methodology from Next Level Partners (NLP was former Danaher employees) that was intended to stretch every resource within the company to their highest potential. Since NLP was in the startup phase, ITT corporate officers needed a group to test their methods. With lofty goals set, our division volunteered to learn and implement the tools. Our site was later termed the ‘crown jewel’ of the corporation for the successes brought about through the use of GDP with numerous victories in goal attainment.

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CCL Success Story

A defining moment in my career was when I attended the weeklong program with CEO’s, CFO’s, Presidents, VP’s, and the like to learn about my leadership style. An enormous amount of data pertaining to me was accumulated by CCL using 360 evaluation, Myers Briggs, and battery of testing before I was able to attend. The week was full of activities that exploit strengths and weaknesses in one’s leadership style. In the wrap-up, I will never forget the professional psychologist/coach key input: “Roger, you will never have trouble planting the flag or claiming the hill. You need to focus on the process of bringing everyone along so that others can keep up with you to take the hill collectively.” That advice was a life changer.

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Thesis Success Story

D uring the 5 years as a co-op student for General Motors, I was trained in a wide range of capabilities including: Labor Relations, Personnel (HR), General Accounting, Materials, Quality, Reliability, Plant Engineering, and Industrial Engineering. As part of the requirement to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree, all GMI students are assigned a thesis project in their Junior year that must be completed in the senior year. My project was to provide the automobile manufacturing plant solutions for wastewater treatment methods. This was not an area I knew anything about, yet I was tasked with a tremendous responsibility for the plant as a requirement to graduate. I researched, developed, and authored a thesis on a wastewater treatment facility for GM, to meet California and Federal Pretreatment Regulations. My thesis was so thorough and complete, it was recommended to be passed with distinction. An $11,000,000 wastewater treatment facility was constructed, on the foundation of my thesis work.

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